FPSC SST Past Paper 2018 – Batch 2

Article 25-A of the constitution obligates states to provide free and compulsory education up to class:

A) 3
B) 5
C) 8
D) None of these

……. theory of personality puts emphasis on studying the whole human being:

A) Trait
B) Behaviorism
C) Humanistic
D) None of thes

Who said that “learning includes both acquisition and retention”:

A) Guilford (1967)
B) Skinner (1969)
C) Gates (1968)
D) None of these

Going from specific to general is called ……. thinking:

A) Deductive
B) Inductive
C) Indirect
D) None of these

The term “Philosophy” means:

A) Love of Wisdom
B) Love of Manner
C) Fear of Wisdom
D) None of these

……. is the ability to use knowledge:

A) Learning
B) Intelligence
C) Flexibility
D) None of these

The major objective of the Aligarh movement was to promote:

A)  Education
B) Hatred from Hindues
C)  Scientific look
D) None of these

First Education Conference 1947 was held in:

A) Peshawar
B) Lahore
C) Quetta
D) Karachi

Education administration is primarily a …… enterprise:

A) Psychological
B) Basic
C) Social
D) None of these

…… is the basic function of administration:

A) Recruitment
B) Supervision
C) Planning
D) None of these

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