FPSC SST Past Paper 2018 – Batch 2

Who said this “Educational planning, in its broadest generic sense, is the application of rational, systematic analysis to the process of educational development”:

A) Zeigler
B) Adam Curt
C) P.H Coombs
D) None of these

Planning aims at creating an adequate …… situation:

A) Past
B) Present
C) Future
D) None of these

Systematic change in the mental processes that underlie all learning and performance is referred to as:

A) Moral development
B) Cognitive development
C) Social emotional development
D) None of these

Curriculum is:

A) Course
B) Syllabus
C) Co-curricular activities
D) All the learning experience

The thinking process involved in producing an idea or concept that is new, original and useful, is called as:

A) Creativity
B) Innovation
C) Intelligence
D) None of these

Moods are found during:

A) Infancy
B) Adolescence
C) Adulthood
D) None of these

Which is the Master Emotion:

A) Happiness
B) Shame
C) Fear
D) None of these

A …… is the organized pattern of behavior which the child develops when he is engaged in any activity:

A) Scheme
B) Adaptation
C) Accommodation
D) None of these

Trial and error theory of learning was presented by:

A) Toiman
B) Thorndike
C) B.F. Skinner
D) None of these

Jung (1933) classified the unconscious into two types: Primary or racial unconscious and …… unconscious:

A) Secondary
B) Personal
C) Opposite
D) None of these

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