Round Table Discussion involves ____ participants?
A. 2-3 participants
B. 2-8 participants
C. 3-7 participants
D. 4-5 participants
When a learner is studying simply because work is assigned by the teacher, he is doing ____?
A. Experiential learning
B. Sensory learning
C. Cognitive memorizing
D. None of these
____ is a form of discussion that starts with individual response if the students then formulate student’s pairs then the pairs are used to form groups of four.
A. Discussion Web
B. Concept Web
C. Creativity Web
D. None of these
During facilitative questioning the teacher passes _____?
A. Close ended questions
B. Written questions
C. Open-ended questions
D. Oral questions
Conferences may occur between ____?
A. Students and students
B. Teachers and students
C. Parents and teachers
D. All of these
The phrase equal educational opportunities in Pakistan means ____?
A. Equal opportunities for all children to have access to education
B. Equality of type of education available for each child
C. Equality of education standards for each child
D. All of the above
How shall you help a student who has failed in the half yearly examination?
A. By giving grace marks
B. By re-teaching difficult concepts
C. By holding re-examination
D. By asking parents to arrange private tuition
Which of the following can affect the results of students in the examination?
A. Number of teacher parents
B. Number of class works and Home works given
C. Working house and days of the school
D. All of the above
There are ___ laws of connectionism?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
According to Plato, the highest goal in all of education is knowledge of the ___?
A. science
B. mathematics
C. philosophy
D. good