Statistics MCQs For NTS Test

A frequent distribution in which class interval size is not the same is called frequency distribution with ________ class interval size?

A. Open-end
B. Distribution
C. Componemt
D. Unequal

Data which is not arranged in ascending or descending order is called ______?

A. Raw
B. Cumulative frequency
C. Group
D. Arrangement

When we add the lower and upper class limits and dividing the sum by, the values so obtained are called class ____?

A. Interval
B. Histogram
C. Limits
D. Marks

In a table, foot note and source notes are _______?

A. Same
B. Different
C. Identical
D. Non-identical

A graph of cumulative frequency distribution is called _______?

A. Histrogram
B. Frequency Polgon
C. Ogive
D. None of above

In an open end frequency distribution either the _________ class limit?

A. First
B. Second
C. Last
D. Middle

The relation showing between whole and its components used chart is said to be ________?

A. Component bar chart
B. Multiple bar chart
C. Pie Chart
D. Simple Bar chart

A value get which divides a class into two equal parts is called _______?

A. Class interval
B. Open interval
C. Size
D. Mid point

We get ________ dividing range by numbers of class interval?

A. Class boundary
B. Class marks
C. Mid point
D. Number of classes

In constructing a histogram which is to be taken along X-axis _______?

A. Class interval
B. Class frequency
C. Class boundaries
D. Class mark

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