Stenotypist Islamabad Police Past Paper MCQs

Computer Monitor is also called?
  1. DVD
  2. VDU
  3. CCTV
  4. DVU
  5. All of these
output devices are ______
  1. speaker
  2. printer
  3. screen
  4. All
Acronym of EEPROM is
  1. Extended Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
  2. Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
  3. Example Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
  4. None of these
Which short keys are used to “cut selected items” in file menu?
  1. CTRL+X
  2. CTRL+A
  3. CTRL+U
  4. CTRL+B
correct spelling of ____? Technocrates, Technocrats, Technocratis
  1. Technocrates
  2. Technocrats
  3. Technocratis
  4. None
The date and time displays on ___
  1. Task bar
  2. Status bar
  3. System tray
  4. Launch pad
  5. None
How to type special characters like @ # & in the text ?
  1. Use caps lock and type the symbol
  2. Press and hold shift key and type the symbol
  3. Use control key and type the symbol
  4. None
Where is screen saver option is available ?
  1. Program file
  2. Device and printers
  3. View menu of standard menu bar
  4. In the control penal
Synonym of Curtail
  1. cut back
  2. diminish
  3. decrease
  4. All
بیت الرضوان کودور نبوی کے کس اہم واقعے سے تعبیر کیا جاتا ھے؟
  1. غزوہ بدر
  2. فتح مکہ
  3. صلح حدیبہ
  4. غزوہ تبوک

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