STS IBA Past Papers MCQs

STS IBA past papers MCQs for test preparation of Institute of Business Administration departments Karachi and Sukkur.

STS IBA Past Papers MCQs

Which country hosted the 2022 FIFA World cup?
  1. Qatar
  2. Saudi Arabia
  3. Afghanistan
  4. Jordan
The ________is firmware that contain a computer's startup instruction.
  1. POST
  2. BIOS
  3. CMOS
  4. DIOS
The accompanying circle represents the 2400 students at Central High School, and the shaded portion represents the freshman class. What is the total number of students in the freshman class?​
  1. 800
  2. 500
  3. 600
  4. 400
The width of a rectangle is twice the size of its length The length is increased by 30% and width is increased by 20%, what will be the percentage change in the area of rectangle?
  1. 23
  2. 22
  3. 34
  4. None
Find a number which when multiplied by 7 and then reduced by 3 is equal to 53.
  1. 8
  2. 4
  3. 7
  4. None
Which of the following is equivalent to 5/2?
  1. 2*1/5
  2. 0.5
  3. 0.10
  4. None
A total of 160 candidates came for the written test at a university, and 15% were enrolled. How many students were not enrolled?
  1. 136
  2. 120
  3. 12
  4. 24
Find the largest number which divides 615 and 963 leaving remainder 6 in each case.
  1. 87
  2. 80
  3. 60
  4. None
Mark the correct sentence. One should try one's best
  1. One should try one's best
  2. One should try his best
  3. One should try my best
  4. None

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