STS IBA Past Papers MCQs

Skill comes ___ Practice
  1. in
  2. to
  3. by
  4. with
Its five ____ ten time
  1. to
  2. in
  3. for
  4. by
I did it ___ mistake.
  1. by
  2. in
  3. to
  4. with
He threw the latter ____ the fire .
  1. in
  2. into
  3. on
  4. to
Our English teacher spoke on an introduction ___ the English language.
  1. for
  2. on
  3. two
  4. with
If NEW YORK can be encrypted as PGYAQTM, how can you code the word CHARLOTTE?
  4. None
Which key is used to rename a file or folder?
  1. F1
  2. F2
  3. F3
  4. F4
The words in the bottom row are related in the same way as the words in the top row. For each item, find the word that completes the bottom row of words. ant fly bee hamster squirrel ?
  1. spider
  2. mouse
  3. rodent
  4. cat
which one of the choices completes the same relationship with the third word ? Yard is to inch as quarter is to____
  1. Gallon
  2. Ounce
  3. Milk
  4. Liquid
which one of the choices completes the same relationship with the third word ? artist is to painting and senator is to----
  1. Law
  2. Attorney
  3. Politician
  4. None

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