STS IBA Past Papers MCQs

synonym of PRESTIGIOUS
  1. Hanoured
  2. Harvay
  3. Notorious
  4. None
Total number of surah in Quran are ____?
  1. 109
  2. 110
  3. 111
  4. 114
  5. 118
One Gigabyte is equal to ?
  1. 1024 bits
  2. 1032 megabytes
  3. 1024 kilobytes
  4. 1024 megabytes
ALU stands for what?
  1. Arithmetic Logic Unit
  2. Arithmetic and legal unit
  3. Alternating Logic Unit
  4. Alternate Local Unit
"Keep at bay" means:
  1. Keep at a distance
  2. Keep at the keep shore
  3. Keep in mind
  4. Keep thinking about something
The government has embarked ____ the implementation of the 20 point program vigorously
  1. with
  2. upon
  3. on
  4. for
The divers jumped ---- the river to take out the lost necklace.
  1. On
  2. In
  3. Into
  4. TO
What is default font style in Ms word 2007?
  1. Calibri
  2. Roman
  3. Bold
  4. None
Which of following is the smallest ocean of the world?
  1. Pacific
  2. Indian
  3. Atlantic
  4. Arctic
Ice Hockey has its origin form:
  1. USA
  2. USA
  3. Canada
  4. France

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