General Knowledge MCQs Quiz 4


GK MCQs Quiz 4

1 / 20

Largest Museum in the world is in

2 / 20

The world oldest known city is

3 / 20

Hindenburg Line is in between ?

4 / 20

Highest Dam in world is ?

5 / 20

The first prime minister of Bangladesh was

6 / 20

Headquarter of Pakistan NAVY is in ?

7 / 20

Headquarter of Ghandhara civilization is in ?

8 / 20

Which food item takes its name from the French for twice cooked

9 / 20

Which Country has the oldest monarchy?

10 / 20

ITAR-TASS is the news agency of which country?

11 / 20

First Afghan War took place in ?

12 / 20

First China War was fought between

13 / 20

Attock fort was constructed by?

14 / 20

Mancher lake situated in?

15 / 20

What are the flat, treeless plains of Argentina called

16 / 20

What name is given to the programs run by a computer, as opposed to the hardware?

17 / 20

The name of which animal is an Aboriginal term meaning ‘no water’?

18 / 20

The capital of Saudi Arabia is?

19 / 20

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) was founded on __________ .

20 / 20

The soviet media theory had its roots in

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This general quiz is an effort to support students in their one paper mcqs test preparation.

Also Read: General Knowledge

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