UDC Islamabad Police Past Papers MCQs

Under Indus Water Treaty which of the following rivers were given to Pakistan?
  1. Indus, Jhelum and Chenab
  2. Ravi and Indus
  3. Indus and Jhelum
  4. Chenab and Ravi
  5. None of the above
USB stands for ___ :
  1. Universal serial Bussiness
  2. Universal Serial Bus
  3. Universal Secondary Bus
  4. Unary Serial Bus
Meesaq-e-Madina was signed between?
  1. Muslims & Christians
  2. Muslims & Hindus
  3. Muslims & French
  4. Muslims & Jews
FATF stands for?
  1. Financial Action Task Force
  2. Financial Action Tast Force
  3. Financial Action Task Free
  4. None
Social Boycott of Banu Hashim was continued for ___ years
  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 5
  4. 8
What are Hanfi, Malki, Shafi and Hanbali ?
  1. Creed based doctrines
  2. Fiqhi doctrines
  3. Kalmi doctrines
  4. None
What is the real name of Imam Abu Hanifa ?
  1. Sabit bin Numan
  2. Numan bin sabit
  3. Muhammad bin Numan
  4. None
The Namaz e Janaza is ___
  1. Farz e Kaffaya
  2. Sunnat
  3. Wajab
  4. None
The wealth or property left by deceased is called ?
  1. Taraka
  2. Sadaqa
  3. Asaba
  4. None
____ will be the next leap year.
  1. 2022
  2. 2023
  3. 2024
  4. 2025
  5. 2026

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