UHS MDCAT Past Paper 2022

When the temperature of semiconductor suddenly drops zero kelvin, then a semiconductor acts as:

  • Conductor
  • Insulator
  • Semi-conductor
  • Super conductor

In transformer, there is no ___ connection between the two coils but they are ___ linked?

  • Magnetic, electrically
  • Electrical, optically
  • Magnetic, magnetically
  • Electrical, magnetically

Working principle of magnetic levitation train is according to?

  • Max planks law
  • Faraday law
  • Ohm law
  • Lenz law

The unit of ΔΦ / Δt can be written as ?

  • NmA-2s1
  • NmA-1s-1
  • NmA-2s-1
  • NmAs-1

The source of magnetic field us

  • Nonmagnetic substance
  • Static electric charge
  • An isolated magnetic pole
  • Current loop

Which surface has greater magnetic flux in same magnetic field, each has an area 1 m^2.

  • Flux is independent of shape
  • Circular
  • Square
  • Rectangular

The coulomb’s constant K depend upon:

  • Nature of medium
  • Types of charge
  • System of units
  • Nature of medium and system of units

The resistance of a conductor does not depend on which of the following?

  • Mass
  • Area
  • Length
  • Resistivity

How much potential drop exist across closed switch ?

  • 2 V
  • 1 V
  • 3 V
  • 0 V

The mechanical waves are not generated by

  • Ropes
  • Water
  • Electric and magnetic fields
  • Coil of spring

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