UHS MDCAT Past Paper 2022

Gauss law cannot be used to find which of the following quantity?

  • Permittivity
  • Charge
  • Electric flux density
  • Electric field intensity

Reducing mass M of spring suspending body to one fourth will change the frequency of oscillation to

  • Double
  • One fourth
  • Quadruple
  • Half

When will the oscillation stop in the absence of resistive forces

  • Immediately
  • After 10 minutes
  • In 10 minutes
  • Never

The shortest distance between any two points in phase on a wave is called

  • Wavelength
  • Displacement
  • Amplitude
  • Frequency

Which of the following increase by increasing amplitude?

  • Frequently
  • Zero
  • Wavelength
  • Loudness

If a flywheel is rotating at 3.0 rad/s, the time takes to complete one revolution is about

  • 2.1 s
  • 0.067 s
  • 1.0 s
  • 1.3 s

The number of revolution in 3n radians is

  • 3 / 2
  • 6
  • 2
  • 1 / 60

A particle of mass m at rest is acted upon by a force P for time t. Its kinetic energy after time t is :

  • (P^2 t^2)/m
  • (P^2 t^2)/4m
  • (P^2 t^2)/2m
  • (P^2 t^2)/3m

The consumption of energy by a 60 W bulb in 2s is:

  • 30 J
  • 120 J
  • 60 J
  • 0.02 J

A stone thrown horizontally from top of a tall building follows a path that is

  • Parabolic
  • Circular
  • Made of two straight line segments
  • Hyperbolic

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