UHS MDCAT Past Paper 2022

What is the shape of velocity-time graph for constant acceleration?

  • Straight line
  • Parabola line
  • Decline curve
  • Incline curve

Which of the following proteins act as carrier of copper in blood plasma?

  • Ceruloplasmin
  • Glycoprotein
  • Hemoglobin
  • Histone

When food reaches stomach, the action of the following come to an end due to acidic pH?

  • Maltase
  • Lipases
  • Hydrolases
  • Amylase

Neopentylchloride belongs to which class of alkyl halide?

  • Secondary alkyl halide
  • Primary alkyl halide
  • Quaternary alkyl halide
  • Tertiary alkyl halide

If carboxylic acid and ketone groups C=O are present in a chain, then final name will be given as

  • Oxo, oic acid
  • One, oic acid
  • None of these
  • Both 1 and 2

Which among the following have least pH?


Which of the following is also called silver mirror test ?

  • Fehling’s solution test
  • Benedict’s solution test
  • Iodoform test
  • Tollen’s reagent test

Which is the most suitable reagent for the conversion of R-CH2OH->RCHO ?

  • Cr2O4/H2SO4(Conc.)
  • CrO3
  • K2Cr2O7/H2SO4 (Conc.)
  • KMnO4/NaOH

Which of the following is the correct name of CH3CH2CH2COCH2CHO ?

  • 3-oxo hexanal
  • 3-oxo hexanol
  • 3-one hexanal
  • 3-keto hexanol

When phenol reacts with formaldehyde, which of the following product is produced?

  • Oxinium ion
  • Adduct
  • Hydronium ion
  • Phenoxide ion

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