UHS MDCAT Past Paper 2023

0ne degree is equal to:

  • Π/270 radians
  • Π/360 radians
  • Π/90 radians
  • Π/180 radians

The circular line has a fix distance from _____ .

  • A fix point
  • A point from outside
  • Any point
  • A point on a circle

In the displacement-time graph, if the slope is constant then the velocity is

  • May be variable or constant
  • Infinite
  • Variable
  • Constant

One radian is analogous to:

  • 57°18″
  • 57°3
  • 57°3″
  • 57°18′

A man is in a car that is moving with the velocity of 36km/hr. His speed with respect to the car is:

  • 10 m/s
  • Infinite
  • Zero
  • 36 m/s

The relation between gray and rad is given as: 1 Gy = rad

  • 0.01
  • 100
  • 10
  • 0.001

The decay rate of radioactive substance is:

  • Constant with time
  • Decreases exponentially with time
  • Varies inversely with time
  • Decreases linearly with time

The SI unit of equivalent dose is:

  • Mass
  • Sievert
  • Gray
  • Rad

In Compton effect, a photon of a certain wavelength collides with a stationary electron. The wavelength of the emitted photon is:

  • Same
  • Longer
  • Infinite
  • Shorter

The process of ejection of loosely bound electrons from a certain photo sensitive surface by absorption of photon is called:

  • Compton effect
  • Pair production
  • Photoelectric effect
  • Black body radiation

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