UHS MDCAT Past Paper 2023

Oxidation number of free magnesium is

  • +3
  • +2
  • 0
  • +1

What are vinyl alcohol and acetaldehyde

  • Metamers
  • Position isomers
  • Tautomer's
  • Chain isomers

The bond energy of hydrogen in H2 molecule is:

  • 436 KJ/mol
  • 242 KJ/mol
  • 431 KJ/mol
  • 446 KJ/mol

0ne can estimate the direction in which equilibrium will shift with the help of:

  • Law of mass action
  • Law of heat of formation
  • Le chaltier’s principle
  • Mess’s law

Complete oxidation of alcohol gives which of the following

  • Carboxylic acid
  • Ketone
  • Aldehyde
  • Alkane

Dehydration of alcohol gives which of the following product in the presence of H2SO4 at 140 C

  • Ethyl chloride
  • Diethyl ether
  • Acetaldehyde
  • Ethyl acetate

After the digestion & before absorption the product of the protein is:

  • Only ammonia
  • Only small polypeptide
  • Only Amino Acid
  • Amino Acid and small polypeptide

Mr. Khan mix acetic acid with thionyl chloride. Which product is obtained

  • CH3COOCH3 + SO2
  • CH3Cl + SO2 + HCl
  • CH3Cl + CH3COCl
  • CH3COCI + SO2 + HCI

Acetic acid is weak acid than sulphuric acid because of which of the following reasons

  • It has more Inductive effect
  • It has -COOH group
  • It decomposes on increasing temperature
  • It has less degree of Ionization

If carboxylic acid and ketone groups C=0 are present in a chain then final name will be give as

  • Both Oxo and One
  • one, oic acid
  • None of them
  • oxo, oic acid

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