UHS MDCAT Past Paper 2023

When 2-bromopropane reacts with Sodium ethoxide, the major product is/are

  • Propene
  • Propane
  • All are formed
  • Ethyl isopropyl ether

Which oxyacid of halogen is strong oxidizing agent

  • HClO3
  • HClO2
  • HClO4
  • HClO

Why fluorine has less electron affinity as compared to bromine

  • Thick small electronic cloud
  • Higher ionization energy
  • Electronegativity
  • Seven electrons in outermost shell

In anisotropic crystals which property do not change with the change in direction of crystalline structure

  • Molar mass
  • Thermal conductance
  • Refractive Index
  • Electrical conductance

Which type of forces exist between iodine molecules

  • Dipole-dipole forces
  • Dipole-induced dipole forces
  • Non-polar forces
  • Instantaneous dipole-induced dipole forces

Which is not a property of liquid

  • Melting
  • Diffusion
  • Osmotic pressure
  • Freezing point

The same moles of H2, N2 and 02 are present in 0.1 cc volume at STP. Which one has greatest number of molecules:

  • Number of molecules are equal
  • N2
  • O2
  • H2

Which of the following electronic configuration is correct for 24^Cr

  • 1s22s22p63s23p64s13d5
  • 1s2,2s2,2p6,3s2,3p6,4f6
  • 1s2,2s2,2p6,3s2,3p6,4s2,3d4
  • 1s2,2s2,2p6,3s2,3p6,3d6

The average weight of atoms of an element compared to the weight of one atom of _____ is called atomic weight

  • Carbon
  • Nitrogen
  • Hydrogen
  • Helium

Which element is used as standard to determine atomic mass of an element

  • C
  • P
  • H
  • Cl

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