UHS MDCAT Past Paper 2023

Which element has the ground state electronic configuration of 1s2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2, 3p6

  • Na
  • Ar
  • Cl
  • S

When 6d orbital is filled, the entering electron goes into

  • 7p
  • 7f
  • 7d
  • 7s

If phenol is treated with 3 moles of conc. HNO3 in the presence of H2SO4 what will be the product

  • O-nitro phenol and P-nitro phenol
  • Picric acid
  • P-nitro phenol
  • O-nitro phenol

The appearance of a silver mirror in Tollens’ test indicates the presence of which of the following

  • An acid
  • An aldehyde
  • A ketone
  • An alcohol

What is the IUPAC name of diisopropyl ketone

  • 1,3-Dimethylpropan-2-one
  • 2,4-Dlmethylpentan-3-one
  • 2,4-Dimethylpentan-2-one
  • 1,3-Diisopropylpropan-2-one

In SN1 reactions the correct order of reactivity of alkyl halide is

  • Tertiary>secondary>primary
  • Secondary>primary>tertiary
  • Primary>tertiary >secondary
  • Primary>secondary>tertiary

Which of the following reagents can be used to distinguish between 1-Pentyne and 2-Pentyne

  • 1 % alkaline dilute KMnO4
  • K2Cr207 +H2504
  • Br2/CCI4
  • AgNO3 + NH4OH

Which of the following transition metal show 3d5 configuration in its +2 oxidation state

  • Mn+2
  • Zn+2
  • Fe+2
  • Cu+2

Cell wall of prokaryotic cell is composed of:

  • Proteins
  • Carbohydrates & Proteins
  • Carbohydrates
  • Proteins & Lipids

Which structure of prokaryotic cell will play the role of mitochondrion

  • Nucleoid
  • Spores
  • Cyst
  • Mesosomes

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