UHS MDCAT Past Papers Solved MCQs 2021

X-ray production is the opposite of:

  • Compton scattering
  • Photoelectric effect
  • Electromagnetic radiation
  • Radioactive decay

What is the momentum of a photon with wavelength and Planck constant (h)?

  • P= 2h
  • P= 0
  • P= h/λ
  • P=∞

Which of the following is the lightest particle?

  • Electron
  • Photon
  • Proton
  • Neutron

The mass of photon is equall to

  • Equal to the mass of a proton
  • Varies depending on its energy
  • Zero
  • Equal to the mass of an electron

If electrons are passed through an electric and magnetic field undeflected, the correct equation is:

  • F = q(E x v)
  • F = q(E + vB)
  • F = q(E / v)
  • F = q(E – vB)

In  , the number of (E) electron , (P) protons and (N) neutrons are

  • E= 90 , P= 88, N= 350
  • E= 90 , P= 90, N= 90
  • E= 88 , P= 90, N= 260
  • E= 88 , P= 90, N= 90

A dynamo converts mechanical energy to:

  • Potential energy
  • Kinetic energy
  • Electrical energy
  • Thermal energy

The emf produced be generator depends upon

  • Number of loops
  • Resistance of the circuit
  • Length of the wire
  • Volt

If the Cp value is 220 units, what could be a possible value for the Cv value?

  • 300 units
  • 220 units
  • 11.7 units
  • 250 units

The point where amplitude is maximum called

  • Antinode
  • Nodal point
  • Equilibrium point
  • Null point

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