Verbal Intelligence Test For PMA Long Course

Verbal Intelligence Test MCQs Quiz 8

1 / 20

Which is different? Pakistan. Turkey, Saudia, Indi

2 / 20

What is different? Hockey, Football, Cricket, Tennis

3 / 20

Essence is to flower as ____ is to Oven?

4 / 20

If Sunday Dawned three Days before Yesterday what will dawn two days after tomorrow?

5 / 20

What will come next 16 12 28 8 4 ____?

6 / 20

Wag is to Dullard as idiot is to _____?

7 / 20

What will come next in the following series? 17 35 72 147 ______?

8 / 20

Fly is to aero plane as Sail is to ___?

9 / 20

A is the father of B but B is not A’s son. What is the relationship of B to A?

10 / 20

What will come next: A C F J

11 / 20

What will come next: 20 25 23 28 31 29 34

12 / 20

What will come next in the following series: 4 12 36 108

13 / 20

How many days in 2 weeks?

14 / 20

A+ B is a commutative property?

15 / 20

(a+b) (a^2-b^2)=

16 / 20

80% of 320

17 / 20

5% of 320 = ?

18 / 20

A(b+c) = ?

19 / 20

x^2 + 36 =?

20 / 20

Log base is ___?

Your score is

The average score is 65%


Verbal Intelligence Test For PMA Long Course

There are totally twenty questions in this important verbal intelligence test for pma long course for Pak Army test preparation.

This verbal intelligence test will help the aspirants to understand the basic concept of Pak Army verbal intelligence test.

After Attempting all the questions in verbal intelligence test for pma long course, candidates must submit their test to see final result.

After submitting the test, students are able to see their obtain marks and average Score of others in this verbal intelligence test for pma long course for online test preparation.

After completing the first quiz, candidates see a next quiz link in series of Pak Army verbal intelligence test.

This verbal intelligence test for pma long course will help students for Pakistan Army test preparation online.

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