Verbal Reasoning MCQs

Rupees is to Pakistan then yen is?
  1. Iran
  2. japan
  3. India
  4. none of these
Illness is to medicine as Law is to:
  1. discipline
  2. anarchy
  3. treason
  4. etiquette.
Which is odd one: Tall, huge, thin, sharp
  1. Tall
  2. huge
  3. thin
  4. sharp
Which one is different from the rest? DG, HK, AC, LO
  1. DG
  2. HK
  3. AC
  4. LO
Balloons flies in air, its reason is :
  1. high density
  2. low density
  3. zero density
  4. none of these
Look at this series QPO NML KJI____ EDC.
  1. HGF
  2. CAB
  3. JKL
  4. GHI
which word does not belong with the others?
  1. rug
  2. chair
  3. table
  4. Couch
Which word does not belong with the others?
  1. leaf
  2. root
  3. dirt
  4. branch
Look at this series F2, ____, D8, C16, B32. What number should fill the blank?
  1. A16
  2. G4
  3. E4
  4. E3
Which value of x will make the equation below true? 3x = 243
  1. 3
  2. 5
  3. 8
  4. 9

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