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Rupees is to Pakistan then yen is?
- Iran
- japan
- India
- none of these
Illness is to medicine as Law is to:
- discipline
- anarchy
- treason
- etiquette.
Which is odd one: Tall, huge, thin, sharp
- Tall
- huge
- thin
- sharp
Which one is different from the rest? DG, HK, AC, LO
- DG
- HK
- AC
- LO
Balloons flies in air, its reason is :
- high density
- low density
- zero density
- none of these
Look at this series QPO NML KJI____ EDC.
which word does not belong with the others?
- rug
- chair
- table
- Couch
Which word does not belong with the others?
- leaf
- root
- dirt
- branch
Look at this series F2, ____, D8, C16, B32. What number should fill the blank?
- A16
- G4
- E4
- E3
Which value of x will make the equation below true? 3x = 243
- 3
- 5
- 8
- 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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