Verbal Reasoning MCQs

Nib is to pen, then the lens is to ?
  1. Telescope
  2. glasses
  3. sight
  4. none
Write the next number in the series: 6 11 12 11 18 24 11
  1. 34
  2. 45
  3. 40
  4. 30​
Pakistan is to Islamabad, as Turkey is to?
  1. Ankara
  2. Spain
  3. Russia
  4. None
Listen is to Hear as See is to?
  1. saw
  2. look
  3. watch
  4. none
The next term in the series 3C, 5E, 7G, 9I, 11K,
  1. 12M
  2. 13M
  3. 13N
  4. 14M
Sailor is to soldier then navy is to?
  1. army
  2. sailor
  3. assistant
  4. none
Which one is odd from them? 4 8 12 7
  1. 4
  2. 8
  3. 12
  4. 7
Which one is different from the rest?
  1. February
  2. December
  3. June
  4. Monday
Rearrange the meaning KISTANPA
  1. country
  2. capital
  3. city
  4. none
Which one is different from the rest?
  1. red
  2. blue
  3. green
  4. yellow

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