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Morning is to Breakfast as Night is to
- sleep
- enjoy
- dinner
- none
If it was Saturday 17th December, 2020 what would be the day on 21st December 2020?
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Sunday
What letter comes alphabetically in order in the letter, Mother :
- E
- R
- M
- H
A Man is to woman as boy is to:
- father
- brother
- girl
- daughter
What is different from the rest? LP, HK, AC, DG
- LP
- HK
- AC
- DG
Which shape is the odd one out?
- circle
- square
- triangle
- hexagon
If Monday is two days before the day after tomorrow, what day is it today?
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Sunday
Which word is the odd one out?
- Run
- jump
- Skip
- Walk
What is the next number in the sequence S, U, W,Y,:
- Z
- X
- A
- B
If you are standing facing east and make three left turns, which direction are you facing now?
- North
- South
- East
- West
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