Verbal Reasoning MCQs

Morning is to Breakfast as Night is to
  1. sleep
  2. enjoy
  3. dinner
  4. none
If it was Saturday 17th December, 2020 what would be the day on 21st December 2020?
  1. Monday
  2. Tuesday
  3. Wednesday
  4. Sunday
What letter comes alphabetically in order in the letter, Mother :
  1. E
  2. R
  3. M
  4. H
A Man is to woman as boy is to:
  1. father
  2. brother
  3. girl
  4. daughter
What is different from the rest? LP, HK, AC, DG
  1. LP
  2. HK
  3. AC
  4. DG
Which shape is the odd one out?
  1. circle
  2. square
  3. triangle
  4. hexagon
If Monday is two days before the day after tomorrow, what day is it today?
  1. Monday
  2. Tuesday
  3. Wednesday
  4. Sunday
Which word is the odd one out?
  1. Run
  2. jump
  3. Skip
  4. Walk
What is the next number in the sequence S, U, W,Y,:
  1. Z
  2. X
  3. A
  4. B
If you are standing facing east and make three left turns, which direction are you facing now?
  1. North
  2. South
  3. East
  4. West

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