General Knowledge MCQs Quiz 24


1 / 20

River Sakeena Flows through ?

2 / 20

Cambodia is a ____ asian country?

3 / 20

Which Pakistani fast bowler was DSP in Police?

4 / 20

G7 was founded in ?

5 / 20

Which is the longest Canal in the world with a length of 1776 km and also considered UNESCO World Heritage site ?

6 / 20

What was the name of the first US atomic submarine launched in 1954?

7 / 20

Pakistan initiated its National Identity Card System in ?

8 / 20

NADRA introduced the Smart National Identity Card (SNIC), Pakistan’s first national electronic identity card, in _________?

9 / 20

The world’s newest country which was founded on 9 July 2011 is ___________?

10 / 20

Currant is a ?

11 / 20

Area of Karakum Desert Sq Miles is ?

12 / 20

Where is Karakum desert located?

13 / 20

The word Fustat (an Egyptian City) has been derived from Greek Phossaton which means_________

14 / 20

The Syrian city damascus is located in ______geographical position of the country.

15 / 20

What is the Old name of World Bank?

16 / 20

BND is the intelligence agency of ?

17 / 20

Where 10 Downing Street is located?

18 / 20

Full form of ICAO ?

19 / 20

Famous Turkish Drama Dirilis Ertugrul and Osman belong to which century?

20 / 20

Who got the Man Booker Prize 2022?

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The average score is 54%


Army Initial Test General Knowledge

There are total twenty questions in this important army initial test general knowledge for preparation online.

This gk test will help candidates to understand the basic paper pattern of army initial test general knowledge of all entrance examination.

After attempting all the mcqs in the test, you must submit your test at the end of quiz to see your final result for this test.

After the submission of the quiz, students will see their obtained marks for this quiz and average score percentage of other aspirants who participate in this quiz of army initial test for general knowledge preparation.

Along with this, after the quiz final submission, here is the the link at the end of the quiz to move on the next quiz in the series of our gk quizzes for Pakistan army army test preparation.

This mcqs test is an effort to help students in preparation of their army initial test of general knowledge online.

Also Read: General Knowledge MCQs

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