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The founder of Arya Samaj was:
- Pandit Dayanand
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Sachindanand
- None of these
How many farz in Hajj?
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
What is the synonym of “REBATE”?
- Cheap
- Inflation
- Expensive
- Discount
- None of the above
“A fair-weather friend” means what?
- False friend
- Good friend
- Loyal Friend
- Close friend
- None of the above
______ is the best policy.
- Integrity
- Honesty
- Silence
- Telling
- None of the above.
Identify the device through which data and instructions are entered into a computer:
- Memory
- Output Device
- Software
- Input device
The opposite word of “DEPLETE” is?
- Refund
- Renew
- Fulfill
- Reduce
- None of the above
The opposite word of “FICTITIOUS” is ____?
- Flattering
- False
- Negative
- Factual
- None of the above
"To save one's face" means what?
- To hide oneself
- To oppose
- To evade disgrace
- To say plainly
Opposite of Pardon is:
- Reward
- Risk
- Praise
- Punish
- None of these
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