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The plural of Mrs. Is:
- Messers
- Misses
- Mesdames
- None of these
- All of these
The plural of the nouns “Negro” is:
- Negroes
- Negrose
- Negros
- None of these
The plural of the Noun “Dwarf” is:
- Dwarves
- Dwarvs
- Dwarfes
- None of these
The man ____ you met is the professor.
- Whom
- Who
- That
- Which
The heart of a computer system is:
- Input Device
- Output Device
- None of these
The father ____ the son to remain honest in life.
- Adviced
- advised
- advices
- none of these
Speed of Typing is measured in the following:
- Seconds
- Minutes
- Hours
- Word Per Minutes
She is _____ than I.
- More pretty
- Most pretty
- Pretty
- Prettier
- None of these
She covered her face with a ________.
- Wail
- Vail
- Veil
- Vale
- None of these
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