Everyday Science Quiz 5

General Science Quiz 5

1 / 20

A camera uses a ______ to form an image.

2 / 20

The most densest substance on the Earth is _____.

3 / 20

The SI unit of “pressure” is _________.

4 / 20

Deficiency of Vitamin-D results in _____?

5 / 20

Each day human body breathe in __________ liters of air.

6 / 20

The most abundant element in the Earth’s crust is __________?

7 / 20

The most abundant element in the universe is __________.

8 / 20

The average adult has a blood volume of about _____ liters.

9 / 20

The gas used in a refrigerator to cool water is___________?

10 / 20

The Sun is a __________?

11 / 20

A device which converts chemical energy into electrical energy is called __________?

12 / 20

A device which converts chemical energy into electrical energy is called _________?

13 / 20

Radioactivity was discovered by ______?

14 / 20

The density of water is _____?

15 / 20

The lifespan of Red Blood Cells is __________ days?

16 / 20

For a fixed mass of gass at constant temperature, if we decrease volume, the pressure will _________?

17 / 20

Deficiency of Vitamin-A results in ______?

18 / 20

Long-sight defect could be corrected by using __________ lens?

19 / 20

The SI unit of charge is _____?

20 / 20

Severe deficiency of Vitamin D results in ______.

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The average score is 71%


Everyday Science MCQs Quiz

There are total twenty mcqs in this important everyday science mcqs quiz with answers for online preparation.

This quiz of everyday science mcqs online test with answers will help the Students to understand the basic concept of general science mcqs test papers.

After attempting all the questions in this general science mcqs test, candidates must submit their test to see their final result for this online quiz test.

Students must submit the test at the end to see their obtained marks for this everyday science mcqs quiz and average score of other aspirants who participate in this quiz of general science mcqs online test with answers for online test preparation.

After the quiz submission, participants of the quiz will see link to next quiz in the series of our everyday science quizzes for one paper mcqs test preparation.

This everyday science mcqs quiz with answers is an effort to help students in preparation of their everyday science part for competitive exam preparation.

Also Read: General Knowledge MCQs and Everyday Science MCQs

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